IPO Profile
Tower Group
120 Broadway, 14th Floor New York, New York 10271
Tel: 212-655-2000
Ticker: TWGP
Amount Raised: $114,750,000.00
We seek to expeditiously develop and deliver products in response to the
needs of our customers. We target select market segments that we believe are
underserved and therefore provide us with the best opportunity to obtain
favorable policy terms, conditions and pricing. TICNY provides coverage for
many different market segments, including nonstandard risks that do not fit
the underwriting criteria of standard carriers due to factors such as type of
business, location and the amount of premium per policy. TRM, through its
managing general agency, produces business on behalf of other insurance
companies (which we refer to as TRM's issuing companies) and primarily focuses
on commercial risks with higher per policy premium, including risks that TICNY
has not been able to target due to historical surplus, rating and geographical
license constraints. TICNY also reinsures a modest amount of the premiums
written by TRM's issuing companies.
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